Total Geek

Ok, bear with me for a few moments. My inner geek needs an audience. Those of you who have been reading me for a while know that I’m an avid Halo/Halo 2 fan. A little while back, I was invited to join the writing staff for a relatively new blog for gamers called...

Bite Down

I’m feeling much less than charitable today. I think it’s a product of recovering from being ill, trying to catch up on a lost day of work, and having read far too many inflammatory opinions over the past several days about a large number of topics. ((Why...


If my previous “aside”: had you a bit confused, I was celebrating my success at _finally_ being able to get a new hack to work. I’ve often had cause to write a quick one-liner, but I hated wasted all that...


For all the other coding geeks out there who like to discover new, interesting, and useful plugins, here are the one I am currently using for my site: Feel free to “Contact”: me if you come across any other plugins...

Learning Style

I am very much a self-taught learner. My preferred learning style is to sit down with the subject at hand, a relevant task, a stack of reference manuals, and plenty of time to just hack my way through until I figure it out. I learn best through the process of trial...

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