Six-Word Science Fiction

Here’s mine: “Our plan to save humanity failed.” “Warp technology perfected. Found ourselves lost.” “Moved through timed. Neighborhood still sucks.” “He died at her hands. Again.” Your...


My flash fiction piece “Mesmerized” is up today on “365 Tomorrows”: Go give it a read, and then log in at the “365 Tomorrows forum”: and let me know...

Gearing Up

The “100 Voices in the Night”: flash fiction anthology project is gearing up to really get rolling soon. We’ve filled 17 of the 20 contributor seats available, leaving just three openings remaining. So, if you’re...

100 Voices in the Night

20 writers. 1 anthology. _100 Voices in the Night_. This is the idea that “Ben Marroquin”: of “Storymask”: presented to me a couple of weeks ago. Flash fiction has become a popular pasttime of...

Flashy Goodness

Four new stories up over at “Flashes of Speculation”: for your reading enjoyment, one from a new contributor. Man, when it rains, it pours. I’m lovin’ it! Go give ’em a...

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