Open Dialogue, Revisited

If you haven’t checked out my discussion forum recently (or not at all), please stop by and check it out. It has been a little slow there recently (due to everyone being extremely busy lately), but I’d love to see a little more activity there again. There...

When a Joke Is Not a Joke

In addition to running Open Dialogue, I’m also a moderator on another forum. Occasionally, my duties involve resolving various bits of unpleasantness, and today was just such a day. Ultimately, I ended up locking a thread due to some nasty flaming between a...

The Intent Was Good…

Well, it doesn’t look like I’m going to have much time to write as much as I wanted to today, so, since I’ve gained several new subscribers the last couple of weeks, let me take the time to once again formally invite everyone to join my new forum at...

Open Dialogue and Subdomains

For anyone who might be trying to access my site ( without success right now, try this one: It’s the same, just without the www. prefix. For some reason the www. isn’t...

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