Mondays are for Mental Health

Mondays are for Mental Health

So today ended up being a mental health day for me, the first since moving, the first since launching my company, the first I’ve needed in quite a while (with one notable exception that I won’t go into just now). Yesterday was a difficult day. It was one...

Mental Health Redux: Four Days in a Psych Ward

It’s been two years now since my first (and hopefully only) inpatient treatment for depression. In so many ways it feels like forever ago because in the intervening months, so much has happened in my life. I’ve struggled to regain my feet and reassamble my...
Mondays are for Mental Health

Mental Wellness: It’s an Ongoing Process

The last four days have been some of the hardest I’ve experienced in quite some time. I’ve been mired in a state of depression that probably hasn’t been this severe since the early part of my recovery last summer. I’ve fought and struggled and...

Caught Between a Lull and Quiet Place

I’m sitting here right now, trying to decide what to do with myself. And I don’t mean just on an immediate, here-and-now, should I pick up a controller and play a game or write a story sort of way, though that’s certainly a part of it. I mostly mean...

More Than a Figment

There was a time when I thought my anxiety wasn’t real, that it was a figment of my imagination, an emotional ghost conjured by my subconscious to cover up the other mental health issues I deal with on a daily basis. Having a psychology background I have a...

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