Traversing the Dark

This entry is part 3 of 14 in the series The DarkWe traveled like that for some time. Talking. Sharing. Laughing. It was always a joy to travel with you, and it was no less so this time. And as we walked, we noticed the ground beneath our feet begin to slant ever so...

Sharing the Dark

This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series The DarkWe found each other in the dark some time later. Or, rather, the semi-dark. A crack in part of the tunnel ceiling extended through the rock over our heads and let in just enough light that we didn’t require our...


The master potter worked the wheel with his foot, furiously pumping the pedal and spinning the table as he molded and shaped the block of dark clay. He expert hands worked with practiced skill, dipping repeatedly into the bowl of water at his side as he kept the clay...

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