Jim Stitzel

Jack-of-All-Trades, Master of Words

Excerpts from Life

Regina Spektor

Thanks to "John Scalzi's crush":http://journals.aol.com/johnmscalzi/bytheway/entries/2006/12/29/your-friday-music-regina-spektor/6932, I've discovered talented pianist and singer "Regina Spektor":http://www.reginaspektor.com. The piano talent alone captures me, but...

Food Legislation

I'm sitting here watching the news and just heard that New York City has just passed legislation to phase out the use of trans fat in all restaurants in the city. While I can see their point about the dangers of trans fat, is it really the government's place to...

“Seriously, Though, For Real”

Penny Arcade! - Seriously, Though, For Real I love it. Penny Arcade makes an interesting point. It _is_ rather ridiculous that video game companies produce only a limited supply of units every time they bring their new consoles to market. I'm honestly not sure why it...


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