WordPress 2.3 Beta 1 Test

I’ve been toying around with the WordPress 2.3 Beta 1 most of the day today. I basically copied this site’s files and database to another location, uploaded the 2.3 files, and ran the upgrade script. Then I spent the next several hours mucking about with...

A Look at WordPress 2.3

“Small Potato”:http://www.wpdesigner.com/ has written up a “preliminary review”:http://www.wpdesigner.com/2007/08/28/wordpress-23-beta-1-review-and-checklist/ of WordPress 2.3 Beta 1, and I must say that the new features being introduced into...

WordPress Theme: BlueSands

BlueSands for WordPress is finally ready for release. It’s a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a fluid width main content area and is built on the famous “Sandbox”:http://plaintxt.org/themes/sandbox theme. As a result, BlueSands has much of the...

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