Animal Farm

No, this isn’t a book by George Orwell – it’s the thing that my wife and I run on our property. And it’s continually expanding. This week, we’ve added another member to our family – a 2-year-old, 40 lb., Black Labrador/German...

Little Bit of Reading

As of today, I’m finally about halfway through Peter F. Hamilton’s 6-volume Night’s Dawn trilogy. I finished up “The Neutronium Alchemist – Part 1:...

Doubles Chess

Once upon a time, I was a registered member of the “US Chess Federation”: I competed on a fairly regular basis – half a dozen tournaments a year – and was a regular attender to the weekly practices. One of the perks of...

Book-to-TV Serials

I’ve been wondering lately whether or not Hollywood would make any money from a movie that was actually done in such a way as to do justice to whatever book it is trying to reproduce for the silver screen. We all complain about how book-to-movie adaptations...

Fernando Ortega

Being a piano player myself, I’m always somewhat partial to music that makes primary use of my favorite instrument. I’ve also always been a sucker for slower, more lyrical music. So it should come as no surprise that I really like the music of...

One One Se7en

To demonstrate my true level of geekiness, I would like to point you toward a Halo-related comic strip that I get a kick out of called “One One Se7en”: It’s a 3-times weekly comic strip produced by a guy...

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