Escapism and Imagination

I stumbled across a debate yesterday on the topic of escapism, worldbuilding, and speculative fiction. I had initially intended to contribute my own thoughts to this discussion, but after having perused a number of _other_ opinions on various websites and blogs, I...

Sports Mania

Apparently, “Ohio State lost big”: yesterday. And apparently, it’s a “sore subject”: for a lot of Buckeye fans. I’ve never really understood sports...

Emotional Reactions to Stories

Either I have a cold, cynical heart, or I have a more (ahem) refined literary palette than most people. The reason I say this is because I frequently find myself puzzled at reader reactions to a lot of stories. For example, I’ll read through a given story and...

Low-Minded People

Two events in the news lately leaving me disappointed – but not surprised – in the reaction of the American and the world populace. Ken Lay dies before going to trial, and Mel Gibson gets picked up for drunk driving and spouts a lot of anti-Semitic speech....

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