Good Things

The end of my day can’t get here soon enough to suit me. I’m about fit to split. Energy. Excitement. Enthusiasm. All those and more. Two reasons why I’m eager to leave the office today: # My piano gets tuned tonight – finally. I can’t...

Writing Again

The writing bug _has_ struck me again (apparently what I said in the previous post about not wanting to writing lasted all of about 20 minutes). I’m finally working on completing my flash fiction pieces for the “Voices in the...

Sacred Icon – Halo theme for WordPress

I seem to have become a bit of a fanatic. I’d set out to create a WordPress theme that I could use for “Penitent Tangential”: What I ended up with was _not_ the theme I’d originally envisioned (but I _will_ actually...

One One Se7en

To demonstrate my true level of geekiness, I would like to point you toward a Halo-related comic strip that I get a kick out of called “One One Se7en”: It’s a 3-times weekly comic strip produced by a guy...

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