Comment Graffiti

Sometimes I wish that everything was commentable – blog-style. Let’s start with the Internet. Let’s make every web page be built in such a way that you can click on any spot on the screen and write a comment. It would probably cause most web pages to...

Circuitous Development

I don’t usually like to be spoon-fed my ideas and opinions. I like to be able to work things out for myself, take what is known and think it through as comprehensively as possible to arrive at what seems to me to be a reasonable and elegant conclusion. I enjoy...


Some days are better than others. I had good intentions to write something witty and prosaic today. I even had a couple of interesting topics. But as I find myself learning my job, I also find that those moments when I am between projects or when I am waiting for...

Seeing Both Sides of the Argument

Why is it that a person cannot talk about both the pros and cons of an issue without being perceived as taking the opposite side as everyone else? (And yes, this does involve that person being seen as supporting either side, depending on what position every other...

A Personal Request

I don’t typically make requests of people. I usually like to accomplish things on my own merit. I’m making an exception to my own rule just this once. Actually, it’s less of a request and more of a global giving of permission. I enjoy discussion and...

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