Seven Hours In An Emergency Room

Seven Hours In An Emergency Room

I stand in the waiting area of a local emergency room, standing because I cannot bear to sit, cannot bear to hold still. I’m on day four of Panic Attack #ItDoesn’tEvenMatter, and I can barely hold myself together. I’m at the emergency room because I...
Screaming Into the Void

Screaming Into the Void

I had another emotional breakdown yesterday. The second in less than a month. This one was less externally dramatic than the last one but no less painful and traumatizing. Two things, though, about this one were different. 1. I only know part of the trigger. Generally...
Updated Diagnosis

Updated Diagnosis

This morning I had a two-hour intake assessment with Wabash Valley Alliance here in Frankfort. I’m in the middle of transitioning my mental healthcare away from Alpine Clinic in Lafayette to Wabash Valley for insurance reasons (thanks ever so much, Trump), so...