Microsoft Discontinues the Xbox Live Gold Family Pack

Apparently Microsoft decided to do away with their Gold Family Pack. As for why the pack was discontinued, the rep said, “We continually evaluate our business focus and work to offer services that make the most sense for our customers and Xbox.” This...

Mass Effect: Peak 15

I found a ‘small’ glitch in Mass Effect the other day while playing the Noveria mission. There’s a point where you have to go to the Peak 15 facility to track down Matriarch Benezia, but I discovered that, if you do things out of order there —...


Malaria. This is an ‘animated’ comic done with no animation or CGI. It’s a brilliant, and beautiful, study in comic stagecraft, well-written and superbly executed.

The Right to Bear Assault Rifles

I just saw a post on Facebook that, apparently, there are those who are saying that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to assault rifles because they were invented after that amendment was written. Even if it’s a myth, it’s a specious argument. I...

I love Textile. I love the simplicity of its markup. But I just can’t afford to use it in my web design anymore, not at the cost breaking absolutely everything just because it can’t play nice with other...

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