Minimalistic Design Requests

Ok, folks, if you’re going request a WordPress design, your posting needs to be longer than, “Design and some coding and app application.” Seriously, could you be any less specific? Add to that a budget that’s $100 at maximum, and you’re...

Back To Native WP Comments

I think I’m done with third-party commenting systems. They haven’t served me particularly well over the last couple of years. First it was IntenseDebate, acquired a few years by Automattic. I had high hopes for IntenseDebate, since they’d been...

WordPress, Facebook, Open Graph, and SEO Plugins

One of the plugins I use on all my WordPress-powered sites is Jetpack. It’s chock full of features that provide a richer experience on both the front and back ends. One of my favorite features is Publicize, which allows you to automatically notify the various...

I love Textile. I love the simplicity of its markup. But I just can’t afford to use it in my web design anymore, not at the cost breaking absolutely everything just because it can’t play nice with other...

Site Design Upgrade

Cool! After months of procrastination, I’ve finally updated my site’s theme to one compatible with the latest version of WordPress. I’ve dumped the old Hybrid theme and ported my design to a Twenty Twelve child theme — with some upgrades....

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