Message Behind the Prose

writefantastic – Why Fantasy? And on the heels of the article “I wrote yesterday”:, Mark Chadbourn has an interesting article. This one’s actually been in my queue for a...

The Literary Sexual Mechanic

“Yesterday I mentioned”: my dislike of the literary sex mechanic. Today I’d like to elaborate on my views on this topic a little. This is a difficult philosophy to put into words, so bear...

Lust: Defining It, Understanding It

Ben “asks”: another very good question: bq. Everyone decries it, but no one really explains. I spent some time today trying to find someone, somewhere on line who had a good handle on what it is. Obsessive...

Caution, Not Thrown to the Wind

We live in a world that is driven primarily by the strength of its libido. Sexual stimuli surround us everywhere we look. Even the most mundane of daily activities, such as eating, are paired up with images of eroticism, sex, and lust. Common knowledge says that sex...

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