
It’s strange – even though I’ve alluded to the fact that most of my views and beliefs tend to fall at (0,0) on the “Cartesian coordinate system”:, I still tend to think of myself as...


“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” I used to read this verse to mean that you would get the things that you want because they are also the things that God wants you to have; ergo, “I’m close to God,...

Spiritual Disciplines

Mastering the spiritual disciplines begins, for me, with the physical disciplines. I’ve gained another 20 lbs. or so the past few weeks (even though my lifestyle and eating habits have not changed over the past year or so). As a result, I believe, I feel...


Liberals really irritate me sometimes. Of course, there are a fair number of conservatives that have the same effect on me at times. The arguments, debates, and disagreements that ensue between the two extremes are very typically divisive, spiteful, and hateful. It...

Unconventional Wisdom

Scott Garber’s Unconventional Wisdom I highly recommend going here and subscribing to this free newsletter, especially if you like to be stimulated intellectually and like having your status quo shaken a...

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