Quitting IntenseDebate

That’s it. I think I’m done. I’ve had a pretty good relationship with IntenseDebate’s services on my various websites for quite a while now. Sure, there have been hiccups and periodic issues from time to time, but that’s the nature of...

Credit Scores Are Bullshit

Credit Scores Are Bullshit – “I used to think a credit score was all about your ability to pay, but it’s clear now it’s more about how profitable you will be to banks.” I have very little doubt about this. It became clear to me a few...

Ahead Stop – xkcd

As usual, xkcd knocks it out of the park. Just as my wife; I’ve complained out this very thing several times before. What troubles me is that, in all likelihood, a bunch of people must have sat around a table somewhere debating over the best way to lay these...

Butcher the Phrase

Ok, people, the phrase is “_worse_ comes to worst,” not “_worst_ comes to worst.” It’s a progression of bad to even more bad. If you start at ‘worst,’ it can’t really get any more bad from there. It’s already the...

Ostrich Syndrome, Anyone?

Ok, I’m sorry – but “our President and his administration are a bunch of idiots”:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/25/washington/25epa.html?_r=1&oref=slogin. [via:...

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