Church and Psychology

A “friend of mine”: has started blogging. In his “first entry”:, he shares his thoughts on the Church and psychology and the current tension between the two....

SchizoDID, SchizoDONT

Ok, this bugs the tar out of me, especially since I’ve seen a _lot_ of writers, both for books and for TV, who get this wrong. Schizophrenia is _NOT_ the same thing as multiple personalities. Schizophrenia involves delusions and hallucinations, among other...

I’m a Hermit

I do these things very seldom, and I share the results even less frequently, and I don’t do Tarot cards at all, but the result from this little survey was dead-on for my personality. Occasionally, one of these things actually works out. Now, to do a statistical...

Robots Among Us

Amazing Robot Reality, or Techno Puppet Show? – Gizmodo Technology really is coming a long way. I’ve recently started tuning in to Gizmodo in my Google Reader ((I had Engadget there for a while, as well, but the two tech news services cover pretty much...

Psychology of Observation

The human eye makes millions of individual observations a day. The vast majority of these are ignored by the conscious brain, but far more of these observations than we realize are recorded into long-term memory. The thing of it is, we don’t usually realize it....

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