
bq. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying enough attention. That bumper sticker seems to sum up the state of our world these days. Everyone is angry about something. Demonstrations, both violent and peaceful, seem to be cropping up all over the place....

Renaming Holidays

Scanning through the news this morning, one cannot help but notice the flurry of debate over the use of ‘Christmas’ versus the use of ‘Holiday’ this season. Everyone is trying so hard to be politically correct and all-inclusive that we find...

Finding Our Way to Clear, Accurate Communication

I’m reminded again of just how important clear communication is. I actually had my employment with my temporary services agency terminated a couple of days early due to what ended up being a pretty major miscommunication. (My contract was to expire at the end of...

Not My Voice

They speak as though for many, when in reality they speak for so few. Their cause is just, their motive good, their methods less than desirable. They gain media attention, the negative kind, of course, because their “words are so...

Litigation to Asinine Proportions

Tied the Leader: The Culture of Litigation “XerxDeeJ”:http://www.blogger.com/profile/5219727 “writes”:http://tiedtheleader.blogspot.com/2005/12/culture-of-litigation.html about one of my pet peeves — “people who...

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