Looking Into the Abyss

A friend of mine wrote this end of last week and emailed it to me, declaring it blogworthy. ((She doesn’t yet have a blog of her own, though I’ve offered her server space to set one up.)) After reading it, I agree, and she has given me permission to share...

Questioning the Ultimate Authority

I’ve heard the question asked many times, “Why should _I_ obey God on anything, let alone on the things I don’t understand? Now, I don’t think I have ever heard the question phrased exactly like that, but it does nicely summarize the doubts and...


I don’t have a problem with fundamentalism, _per se_, though I suspect that I technically don’t fall into that category of religious faith as the definition stands currently. The word ‘fundamentalism’, as applied to religion, varies in its...

The Baby and the Bathwater

I admit it — I’m having a hard time coming to terms with the emergent movement. Maybe it’s because I’ve almost always been in churches that have their acts together, that are active both in ministering to the Body and in reaching out to the...

Oil & Water

It is impossible to be arrogant and have wisdom. The presence of pride precludes the presence of wisdom. Pride suggests to the individual that he already knows everything he needs to know, that he already sees as clearly as it is possible to see, that his insight is...

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