Dividing 10s

Signs of a potentially disturbed mind: Not wanting to go to bed because you’re having too much fun performing long division – in binary.


I’m really, really enjoying my Real Analysis class. My inner math geek has been riding on a cloud of euphoria for the last three weeks, and I finally have a good excuse to play with and learn LaTeX , something I’ve wanted to do since I was first introduced...

LaTeX – Finally!

Hey, check it out! I was finally able to convince the fine folks at Bluehost to install LaTeX on my server. So, now I get to play around with all kinds of math-y goodness. See? R_{munu}-frac{1}{2}Rg_{munu}=8pi G T_{munu} sqrt{6} -0.2overline{370} Pretty frickin’...

openID, dp.SyntaxHighlighter, and LaTeX

As much as I love my hosted version of WordPress and the power I have to customize it however I see fit, there are some drawbacks to the system that I have yet to be able to hurdle. openID. I’ve wanted to set up an openID server for my blog for quite awhile now....

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