Ducks – In a Row or Otherwise

Willful Grace: And Your Point Is? Grace has written another wonderful article that hits you right in that soft, sensitive spot of pride. Ouch. But it does give me pause to finally write about a topic that’s been on my list for a while now and that I just...

Why Does God Love Us?

“Rob”: has been sharing a series of articles about a friend of his that has had a significant impact on his life. “Part 3”: of the series received the...

Care or Con?

The Demystifying Divas and the Men’s Club are writing about this week’s topic a couple of days early. The question for this week is this – is Valentine’s Day really about romance, or is it just another way for ‘The Man’ to reach his...

Long-Distance Love

The Divas & Men ask, Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Do long-distance relationships work out? It seems this is a subject that most of us have some experience with. Personally, my recommendation has pretty much always been to avoid long-distance...

Embrace the Outcasts

I’m not entirely sure I understand the problem. Isn’t the Church supposed to be the epitomy of grace, love, and understanding? Then, why are there so “many”: who are so alienated from Christians, who...

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