210 (Weight Loss and Health)

I’m delighted. For the past couple of days, I’ve been able to stand on the scales and see a number I haven’t seen since last fall — 210.0. Ever since I started losing weight a couple of years ago when my daughter was born, I’ve had a goal...

Cracked Heels

One of the things I get to look forward to every year, thanks to the combination of cold weather and heavy gear, is the skin on my hands and feet turning into arid deserts. It never used to be a problem, but apparently part of getting older is having a body that...

GRANHOLM Fail – Michigan Meatout Day

GRANHOLM – Michigan Meatout Day. Michigan’s Governor Jennifer Granholm has just made a preposterous declaration – she has declared that this Saturday, March 20, 2010, is Michigan Meatout Day, in which she urges Michigan citizens to eat no meat. Her...

Back to Writing – Maybe

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written any fiction, but lately I’ve been feeling the itch to write again, especially now that we’ve started to get some of my medical issues sorted out. Between a sleep disorder, thyroid condition, and back...

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