Retribution or Justice?

Adam over at Ochuk’s Blog “points out”: some “comments”: regarding the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. One in particular stands out to me: bq. What was delivered...

Satan vs. God

There’s an interesting little discussion going on “over here”: the thing i always wonder about is how much evil was there in Satan to begin with? i mean if...

Musical Posture

I heard an evangelist speak once when I was a kid. His topic was music, particularly the evils of rock ‘n’ roll. I don’t remember much now of what he said but for one thing. It was something to the effect that rock music was evil because most rock...

Justice of Capital Punishment

I participated in a discussion a while back with a handful of people on a discussion forum I frequent. The topic was capital punishment in general and rape crimes in particular. Specifically, the question was whether or not rapists should be put to death, imprisoned...

Problem of Evil

The problem of evil in the world has always been one that has tested men’s faith. And not just their faith in God. We’re also talking faith in people, faith in institutions, faith in the power of good to overcome evil, and so on and so forth. Yes, there is...

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