
Boing Boing: Dawkins: Why There Almost Certainly Is No God I grow weary of continual “he said, she said” rhetoric. It’s a major part of why I’ve more or less tuned out politics, why I’ve even, to some extent, tuned out of religious and...

Finite to Infinite

I’ve been delighted that a “friend”: of mine has joined the ranks of bloggers. He never fails to stimulate my thinking, and his “entry”: from the...

Hold the Line

It could be I am simply overworked and weary right now, but I find that I have little more than an apathetic interest in the broad view of the world right now. It is a fine line that one must walk, an acrobatic tightrope of sorts. On the one hand, the broad view is...

Relating to the Powers-That-Be

My Bible study from a couple of days ago wanted me to write out what I have learned about submission from a series of verses. This was the second one on the list. bq. ^5^Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment...

Voice in the Wilderness

Another atheist blog got added to my blogroll today. Obviously, I don’t agree with the vast majority of this young lady’s opinions, but I do find that her articles are articulate and very thought-provoking. I also find myself deeply saddened (though,...

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