Geek Wishes

Geeky things I’d love to learn how to do but haven’t, as yet, found the time or opportunity: Learn how to use Photoshop ((This also demands I acquire a non-pirated and legal copy of Photoshop.)) and GIMP to their maximum potentials Learn how to record and...

FoS Redesigned

I’ve just finished a complete site redesign on “Flashes of Speculation”:, giving it what is, I hope, a unique and attractive layout. I built this template – called Speculation (for obvious reasons) – from the...

Tag Filters

I’ve a feature request for all you php ninjas out there, particularly those of you who develop plugins that do strange and wonderful things with tagging: How about making the ability to tag posts in WordPress a little bit more powerful? For instance, I use...

Chess Tactics

I’ve found a new toy – the “Chess Tactics Server”: It’s basically a free website where you go to solve thousands of chess problems. You’re presented with scenario where you have to choose the next...

Chess Blog

For interested chess geeks, I’ve started up a “chess blog”: My primary goal right now is simply to share games I’ve played with friends and give me an opportunity to review these games and analyze them. So, if...

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