Difference in Opinion

I’m proud to announce the launch of a gaming/entertainment blog run by two of my “clanmates”:http://tiedtheleader.com – “Dweezle”:http://paulmhopper.com and “bs angel”:http://hawtymcbloggy.com. Dweezle and I have been...

Ideal Lifespan

Here’s a little reader’s poll for you. Many successful TV shows like _Buffy, the Vampire Slayer_, _Stargate SG-1_, and _Alias_ have fun for 5+ seasons. _Buffy_ ran for seven seasons, _SG-1_ ran for 10, and _Alias_ – well, I never watched the show so...

The Genius of Joss Whedon

Earlier this week, my wife and I were finally able to get through the last few episodes of the final season of _Angel_. I’ve been a big fan of _Buffy, the Vampire Slayer_ for years now and have been systematically collecting each season on DVD. I was never able...

Counterpoint: Heroes Episode 10

I’ve recently discovered the fascinating show _Heroes_ on NBC – and I’m already a huge fan. It’s fun to watch this comic book for TV, my only complaint being that some of the powers manifested by many of the characters aren’t exactly...

The Dark

The Dark: Home Here’s an interesting find. _The Dark_ is a sci-fi series that will be broadcast exclusively on the Internet. Currently, there are two free episodes online to generate interest with plans to have a new 12-minute episode available weekly. The...

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