Earth Chorus

This is actually pretty cool, taking the audio-rendered sounds of Van Allen belt radio waves and turning them into a remixed interpretive dance. I do get a little annoyed at the anthropomorphication of nature, such as the first few seconds of the video, but that in no...


The LXD. The League of Extraordinary Dancers. At first glance it sounds like it might be pretty corny, right? Wrong. This is an amazing and ambitious new webseries that puts a wholly new spin on the superhero genre where the power of dance can be used for great good,...

Video: Shakira – Did It Again

I don’t much care for Shakira’s music. Nothing against her form, per se; it just doesn’t really match my tastes. In fact, anyone who knows me is pretty familiar with my general disdain for all things pop. I like to joke that if it plays on the radio,...

Dance As Unto the Lord

Something I love about our church is that they periodically incorporate dance into the worship services. Sometimes it is just one person on stage, sometimes a group, sometimes just an adult, sometimes children. I love seeing it because it shows that, in all things, we...

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