Pros and Cons

connexions » Blog Archive » Zealots and Corpses Kim over at “connexions”: has an interesting article that I’d like to expand a bit upon by asking a few simple questions (though the answers may prove to be far from...


It’s strange – even though I’ve alluded to the fact that most of my views and beliefs tend to fall at (0,0) on the “Cartesian coordinate system”:, I still tend to think of myself as...

What Does It Really Mean To Be ‘Evangelical’?

It occurred to me over this past weekend to wonder what it really means to be ‘evangelical’? I overheard a couple of individuals (who were obviously not Christians) talking about different kinds of Christians and what they stood for, and they threw the...


Liberals really irritate me sometimes. Of course, there are a fair number of conservatives that have the same effect on me at times. The arguments, debates, and disagreements that ensue between the two extremes are very typically divisive, spiteful, and hateful. It...

Christians and Politics

So, some Christians (I don’t really know how many) think it’s better to not get involved in the political arena because we have a more important work, that being to win souls to Christ. Yet, I have to disagree with the notion of non-involvment. It seems to...

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