
Christians can be so hard-nosed and bull-headed sometimes about returning to fellowship with Christ. I know – I’m one of the worst offenders in this regard. You can see a brother or sister in the faith struggling to win out over temptation and sin or...

Living On the Fringes

It is the extremists of any major religion that end up giving the whole a bad reputation. Bad news travels more quickly than good news does, and poor behavior is more easily remembered and available to memory than is good behavior. So what typically ends up happening...

‘Repugnant’ Parts of Christianity

Guardian Unlimited | Columnists | ‘Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion’ The columnist that authored this blistering review of the new _Chronicles of Narnia_ movie wrote a lot that was response-worthy, but perhaps this was the...

‘Holiday’ or ‘Christmas’?

Boston “holiday tree” stirs controversy – Yahoo! News I have to wonder just much this really matters. The city of Boston deviated from tradition this year, renaming the Christmas tree a holiday tree, sparking an uproar among the conservative...

A Better Man Than Me

Listening to the Gospel of John, as recited by Jason Nightingale of “WordSower International”:, I realized just how much patience our Lord Jesus had for the people to whom He ministered. Again and again, he performed...

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