The Right to Bear Assault Rifles

I just saw a post on Facebook that, apparently, there are those who are saying that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to assault rifles because they were invented after that amendment was written. Even if it’s a myth, it’s a specious argument. I...

I love Textile. I love the simplicity of its markup. But I just can’t afford to use it in my web design anymore, not at the cost breaking absolutely everything just because it can’t play nice with other...

We’re on a warming trend here in the Midwest. It’s 38 degrees right now, and after the last several weeks, this feels like a welcome reprieve. As a farming family, we know that the cold and snow is necessary (to kill off bugs and cause certain...

Seven for a Secret

Seven for a Secret. The writing’s kind of rough in places — awkward phrasing, changes of tense, etc. — but I kinda love this. Disney’s princesses with a dark twist.

Halo 4 Begins

Started playing Halo 4 today. I’m not sure exactly how I feel about the game yet. It’s definitely not a Bungie title — but then again, I never expected it to be, so I’m not really disappointed in that regard. I enjoyed the gameplay up to the...

Site Design Upgrade

Cool! After months of procrastination, I’ve finally updated my site’s theme to one compatible with the latest version of WordPress. I’ve dumped the old Hybrid theme and ported my design to a Twenty Twelve child theme — with some upgrades....

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