4AM – Rise and shine.
4:30 – Take the girls to the airport for their trip to Cali.
5:30 – Bags checked, see the girls to Concourse A, give hugs, tell them I’m jealous.
5:35 – Leave the airport, no parking fee (wasn’t there long enough to incur one).
6:15 – Attempt to stop for gas. Twice. Neither station currently had working card readers. Lose my gas cap.
6:30 – Arrive back home and tumble back into bed for an hour.
7:45 – Roll out of bed for the second time.
7:50 – Feed animals and load car for market.
8:10 – Make breakfast for my wife.
8:15 – Leave for market.
8:30 – Stop for gas, again, successfully this time.
8:55 – Set up booth for market. Take off fleece because, hey, it’s actually warm in here this morning.
9:05 – Sit behind my table and bask in the fact that I’m nit freezing my backside off.

How’s your morning been?

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