For the longest time, I’ve been a huge fan of “Metapad”: as a replacement text editor for the native Windows Notepad. Just recently, however, the news came across my feed reader that the fine folks over at “”: released a portable version of “Notepad++”: Being the fanboy that I am, I immediately downloaded it and tested it out for my recent work on the “BlueSands theme”:

I immediately fell in love with the program. For one thing, it has a tabbing feature to allow you to open multiple documents in the same window. For another thing, it has this beautiful styler.xml file that highlights different types of code. It made it much easier to troubleshoot and identify typos in my stylesheet. It also made it very easy for me to do side-by-side comparisons of template files that contained similar bits of code I wanted to emulate from one theme to another. It was definitely a great tool for doing web design work. As always, it’s another great portableapps program that comes highly recommended from me.

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