Blogger continues to annoy me. I really hate using any feature on that site. And I always cringe – at best – whenever I leave a comment on a blog hosted there. Usually, commenting involves weeping and gnashing of teeth. Three things currently that annoy me about Blogger:

# *Word Verification* – Technically, it’s _image_ verification. The gobbledygook they put up for you to type in a verify that you are not, in fact, a bot aren’t actually words. Ok, it’s a _minor_ annoyance and not technically anything that’s worthy of weeping.
# *Popup Comment Forms* – Now _these_ things hurt. A lot. Blogger does not like Firefox, it seems. Those of you who use Blogger and elect to have the comment form appear in a popup window instead of in a regular browser screen like everything else on your site? Yeah, I hate you. For some reason, the popup window in Firefox doesn’t fill out to the form’s full size, nor do scrollbars appear to rectify that issue. Needless to say, it makes it a royal pain to leave a comment. And most of the time, I don’t. So as a personal favor to me (and every other Firefox user who reads your site), please change that option. Please. I even asked nicely.
# *No Tab-throughs?* – In Blogger the Elder, it was possible to type in one’s comment, tab to the image verification field, tab to the identifications options to select one, tab to the name field, tab to the website field, and then tab to the ‘Submit’ button, where you could then hit ‘Enter’ to submit everything – all without ever touching the mouse. No longer. The new-and-improved (yeah, right) Blogger Junior requires you to mouse-click absolutely everything. Those of us who use the mouse as infrequently as we possibly can hate this fact and wish with all our hearts that Blogger (a.k.a. Google) would fix this.

Yeah, I really dislike Blogger. Bet you couldn’t tell.

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