Yesterday, I borrowed a copy of the 2007 edition of “Writer’s Market”: from my local library. I’m going to take a look through it and see what kind of information it has for writers looking for markets. I’m particularly interested in the various writing contests. It could be that I’ll find something interesting to send some stories to this year.

Now, I’m not sure that this is a book I’d ever buy for myself. It _could_ prove to be worth the $30 pricetag, especially if a writer is amibitious, but then at the end of the year, the book is outdated and worthless. Besides, if my library keeps a copy of it on the shelf, I can just borrow it when I want it and go for a browse.

It’ll be interesting to see what I find. I think I’d like to ship a couple of stories out to contests this year and a couple of more to magazines and see if anything lands. I want to make this a better year for writing than last year was.

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